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Horslyx MINI

Horslyx MINI's

Horselyx Respiratory:

All horses require a healthy respiratory system to ensure optimum performance. Horslyx Respiratory Balancer is an effective addition to the diet to help support all equines from the competition horse to the family pony.

Respiratory Balancer is designed to provide a two-pronged approach in supporting a healthy respiratory system. Ingredients such as menthol, eucalyptus and aniseed support the airways, meanwhile the high specification balancer package helps to maintain immunity.

Licking takes time and patience which is perfect for horses that are stabled for long periods of time and can help reduce stress and boredom, plus the specific Respiratory ingredients can help maintain healthy breathing and lessen the chance of ill-health affecting performance levels.

Horslyx Mobility:

Horslyx Mobility Balancer can be used to help maintain healthy joints in all horses, of all ages and breeds, whether for a performance horse that requires support for hard working joints, or as an aid for older horses that may have suffered from wear and tear over the years.

Independent research was conducted at the University of Central Lancashire using 6 Thoroughbred horses based at the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre. This independent university research clearly demonstrated that Mobility Balancer can help reduce joint stiffness in otherwise clinically sound horses and when used regularly will help maintain healthy supple joints and allow mobility and flexibility for comfortable movement. Details on the research can be found here.

As with all Horslyx Balancers, Mobility Balancer is extremely low in starch, making it suitable for horses which can react unfavourably to traditional cereal based diets.

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